7 tips for eating local in winter

Today, we would like to demystify certain beliefs about Quebec foods. You know what? In Québec, local products  are not available only 6 months a year. In fact, there are several ways to consume locally throughout the year, even in winter!

1. Canned food

Masson pots are not just for decorating. We often forget that their first use is dedicated to preserves. This culinary tips saves you a lot of time and most of all, it allows you to consume fresh vegetables in the middle of February!

2. Freezing

Do not forget, the freezer can be your best friend! Several fruits and vegetables harvested during fall freeze very easily. Note that some vegetables, like broccoli, beetroot and carrot, should be laundered before freezing. For those in a hurry, you just have to prepare your sauces, your soups or your meals before freezing them!

3. Verification of origin

In Quebec, the agri-food industry is not limited to fruits and vegetables. A variety of foods we eat daily are from Quebec, but we often do not know where they come from. So, do not hesitate to ask when you do your grocery. Psst ... the Aliments du Québec and Aliments préparés au Québec logos are very good indicators.

4. Find out more

Did you know that Quebec apples, squash and onions are available 12 months a year? Indeed, many fruits and vegetables are offered almost all year round. You can follow this charter to know the availabilities of each product. Basing your consumption on this calendar will allow you tooptimize the possibilities of eating local even during cold season.

5. Organic baskets

Imagine if someone could pick your weekly fruit and vegetables for you ... Well, sometimes  dreams come true! Several organizations like Équiterre, Les Fermes Lufa, Jardin de la montagne offer organic baskets filled with fresh Quebec food. This option allows you to eat local easily. Best of both worlds!

6. Homemade Herbs

You do not have agreen thumb? No problem, herbs adapt to all. By placing your pots near a sunny window, you maximize your chances of harvesting, even in the middle of winter. Basil, coriander, parsley; your recipes will no longer lack flavors!

7. Greenhouse Vegetables

A what? Yep, not only flowers  grow in greenhouses! For several yearsnow, greenhouse vegetables have become increasingly popular. This practice allows consumers to buy tomatoes, lettuce and even fresh Quebec cucumber 365 days a year.


As you can see, there are a ton of tips to eat local no matter the season. Now it’s your turn to choose the tricks that fit in your lifestyle. Whatever you choose, the important thing is to continue in this direction and encourage friends and family to adopt these simple habits of consumption!


Learn more about buying local