Organic Nordic Milk, What Is It All About?
Who would have believed that north of the 48th parallel in the middle of Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, someone would create Quebec’s best Nordic milk? The Nordic climate, the geographic isolation, as well as the influence of the lake, characterize this region of Quebec that is home to the Nutrinor dairy. But first, wouldn’t it be important to know what Nordic organic milk is?
Nordic organic milk comes from cows, obviously. This milk’s distinctive characteristic resides in its environment and the pasteurization technologies used to produce it. In other words, it lasts longer and its taste has that little something extra. Oh, and yes… it’s organic!
The AgroBoreal Certified Oraganic Nordic Range
Well, again something else! Let’s break things down a little bit. AgroBoreal is a combination of the French words agroalimentaire (agricultural food processing) and boréal (northern). Having said that, what does the certification consist of? As you might guess from its name, the certification aims to recognize products that embody the characteristics of northern regions, such as Nutrinor’s Nordic organic range. The specific climatic conditions of the north play a crucial role in the process of transforming these products. Whatever the techniques, the practices, or the know-how, the region certainly plays an undeniable role. So there’s a new fact to slip in at your Thursday Happy Hour!
The Cold as an Ally
Located in Alma, the Nutrinor cooperative is recognized as being the most northern dairy in Quebec. The climatic conditions in this region make it a favourable ecosystem. Bye-bye antibiotics, hello natural practices! The cows are fed with high-quality feeds and grains. This unique diet is the secret ingredient of Nordic organic milk, just like this precious land.
In the Organic Aisle

Those who want to try Nutrinor’s Nordic organic milk, raise your hands! Available in several supermarkets around the province, there’s no need to cross the Laurentian Park to find it. Can’t find Nordic milk in the dairy section? Head to the refrigerators in the organic foods department instead. For the more curious among us, did you know that it is possible to find out the exact origin of your pint of milk? Nutrinor’s traceability tool is a real first! Just enter the type of milk, the size, the percentage as well as the expiration date. In a single click, you can discover who produced the glass of milk that you’re about to drink. Ingenious, right?
To learn more about Nutrinor or about the range of organic Nordic products, visit www.laitnutrinor.com and join the community on Facebook and Instagram.