Black Honey
Round, creamy and woody notes Intensity : 8/10 Exclusive recipe inspired by Greece Dark roast Recipe inspired by Greece, its name evokes the dark color of the honey of this region. Coffee with very complex, woody and velvety aromas, rich and creamy taste. This coffee has a strong and frank aroma and flows in the mouth like honey. Black Honey is a full-bodied coffee without overpowering bitterness. 100% Arabica coffee of the first quality grade. Only artisanal roasted coffee prepared weekly for optimal freshness.
IGA, Marché Richelieu, Café Castelo Cartier, Café Castelo Maguire, Café-In, Cafés de Julie, Café Noisette, Lois XIV Café, Brûlerie Europa, Café LB9, Café La Cafetière, Les caprices d’Alice, Aux délicieux arômes
au poids g, capsule unit
1330, rue J.-Armand-Bombardier Saint-Nicolas, Quebec G7A 2P4 (418) 836-7111