Boursin Apple & Maple Cheese
Boursin Apple & Maple is a bold gourmet pairing, with an irresistible hint of maple. It’s not only delicious but also warms the heart. The crispness of apples and the silkiness of maple syrup perfectly complement Boursin’s incomparable texture, creating an exceptional cheese that is a delight to share. A reinvented tradition to enjoy all year round!
Adonis, Bonichoix, Avril – supermarché santé, Citron que c'est bon, Costco, IGA, IGA Extra, Maxi, Maxi & Cie, Marché Richelieu, Metro, Metro Plus, Pasquier, Provigo, Provigo le Marché, Rachelle-Béry, Sobeys, Super C, Walmart
150 g
C.P. 67 Succ. Place D’Armes Montréal, Quebec H2Y 3E9 (800) 556-3652 ext: 7125