Their benefits : They offer the recommended daily vitamin C dose. This vitamin is a great antioxidant, maintains immune function, helps heal and increases iron absorption. Broccoli sprouts contain a high amount of vitamin A. This helps to keep the eyes health and prevents diabetes. They are low in calories and they have high nutritional value, which makes them ideal for a well-being as well as for a weight loss program. They contain sulforaphane, which has been shown by studies to be the main micronutrient that diminished the emergence of a tumour, reduce cancer cell growth, alleviate the behavioural symptoms of autism disorders, prevents and slows the development of osteoarthritis and much more!
Provigo, Provigo le Marché
75 g
1500 rue Henry-R-Gray Beloeil, Quebec J3G 0P7 (514) 353-0930