Green juice Cactus


Green juice Cactus

We call CACTUS our gateway green juice. Kale, spinach, and celery provide an impressive range of vitamins, minerals and enzymes – all with the great taste of apples and cucumber. The proportions are 60% green vegetables vs 40% fruits. Drink it in the morning or between meals for a natural boost of vitamins.

This product is available at

Avril – supermarché santé, Citron que c'est bon, IGA, IGA Extra, Marchés Tradition, Metro, Metro Plus, Rachelle-Béry, Sobeys, Walmart, Marchés TAU 5 Saisons

Available formats

300 mL, 750 mL


4415 ave Beaudry st-Hyacinthe, Quebec J2S 8W2 (418) 881-0851