Kraft Only Peanuts All Natural Crunchy Peanut Butter


Kraft Only Peanuts All Natural Crunchy Peanut Butter

A family favourite and a Canadian classic, Kraft Only Peanuts All Natural Crunchy Peanut Butter is perfect for the whole family. Made with only high-quality dry roasted peanuts, Kraft Peanut Butter has a creamy and nutty taste. Add some flavour to your recipes with Canada's #1 peanut butter.

This product is available at

Adonis, Avril – supermarché santé, Bonichoix, Citron que c'est bon, Costco, IGA, IGA Extra, L’intermarché, Marché Richelieu, Marchés Tradition, Maturin, Maxi, Maxi & Cie, Mayrand Entrepôt d’Alimentation, Metro, Metro Plus, Pasquier, Provigo, Provigo le Marché, Sobeys, Super C, Walmart

Available format

750 g


8600 Chemin Devonshire Mont Royal, Quebec H4P 2K9 (514) 343-3300