Kraft Only Peanuts All Natural Smooth Peanut Butter


Kraft Only Peanuts All Natural Smooth Peanut Butter

Kraft Only Peanuts Smooth Peanut Butter is a family favourite and made with only one ingredient: 100% roasted peanuts. With our signature delicious, nutty taste and irresistible, creamy texture, Kraft Only Peanuts Smooth Peanut Butter is made with 100% high quality dry-roasted peanuts to bring out the best flavour and aroma. Try Kraft Peanut Butter on your toast, sandwiches and fruits or vegetables. Proudly prepared in Canada.

This product is available at

Adonis, Avril – supermarché santé, Bonichoix, Citron que c'est bon, Costco, IGA, IGA Extra, L’intermarché, Marché Richelieu, Marchés Tradition, Maturin, Maxi, Maxi & Cie, Mayrand Entrepôt d’Alimentation, Metro, Metro Plus, Pasquier, Provigo, Provigo le Marché, Sobeys, Super C, Walmart

Available format

750 g


8600 Chemin Devonshire Mont Royal, Quebec H4P 2K9 (514) 343-3300