Lentil & Walnut artisan vegan burgers
You’ll love the deep flavors of the wild mushrooms and ground walnuts which enhance the hearty lentils in these gourmet burgers! These exquisite Lentil & Walnut burgers are both delicious and satisfying! Vegan and Gluten-free!
Adonis, Avril – supermarché santé, IGA, IGA Extra, Maturin, Metro, Metro Plus, Pasquier, Provigo, Provigo le Marché, Rachelle-Béry, Sobeys, Costco, Hospitality, Restaurant, Institutional (HRI)
4 ×100 g, 12 ×100 g
4020 Chemin du Bois-Franc COTE SAINT-LUC, Quebec H4S 1A7 (438) 387-3555