Organic and farmer - Plain yogurt

BOUCHARD Artisan Bio

Organic and farmer - Plain yogurt

This is our most popular yogurt. It is made solely with our farm’s organic milk. It expresses our respect for the land that supplies our cows with the food they need and like, thanks to the simple contribution of the sun and the water. In the end, this yogurt is pure, fresh and perfectly balanced. Our nature yogurt favourably replaces mayonnaise, butter or cream in many recipes including salad dressings, meats that are cooked in sauce and desserts such as cakes, muffins and cookies. The thin layer of cream on the top is a guarantee of quality and authenticity: a testimony to our hand-crafted production. Two stirs of your spoon and it’s all blended!

This product is available at

Avril – supermarché santé, Les Fermes LUFA inc. Vrac & Bocaux - Épicerie Bio

Available formats

500 g, 2.5 kg, 6 ×500 g

Bouchard Artisan Bio
Bouchard Artisan Bio

2350, route Saint-Eusèbe Saint-Félicien, Quebec G8K 2N9 (418) 679-5609