Plant-based probiotic blueberry yogurt.
Plant-based yogurt, dairy-free, with probiotics contributing to the health of intestinal flora.
Adonis, Avril – supermarché santé, Bonichoix, IGA, IGA Extra, L’intermarché, Marché Richelieu, Marchés Tradition, Maxi, Maxi & Cie, Mayrand Entrepôt d’Alimentation, Metro, Metro Plus, Pasquier, Provigo, Provigo le Marché, Rachelle-Béry, Sobeys, Super C, Walmart, Hospitality, Restaurant, Institutional (HRI)
625 g
100 Rue De Lauzon Boucherville, Quebec J4B 1E6 (450) 655-7331 ext: 2253