Potato Donut maple-drenched, 6 units per bag
Made with bunches of love and according to a traditional recipe, our famous potato donuts are little homemade delights. To remain true to their origins and to guarantee a quality product, we prepare them with unbleached flour and real potatoes grown in Lanaudiere’s region. In addition, the donut dough contains no eggs and is a Vegan product
Metro, IGA, IGA Extra, Marché Richelieu, Metro Plus, Pasquier, Provigo, Sobeys, Super C, L’intermarché, Marchés Tradition, Maxi & Cie, Adonis, Maturin, Maxi, Mayrand Entrepôt d’Alimentation, Hospitality, Restaurant, Institutional (HRI)
325 g, 24 ×325 g, 48 ×55 g, 108 ×55 g
891, rue St-Viateur Berthierville, Quebec J0K 1A0 (450) 836-0540