Eating carrots improves vision. 

Since our childhood, our parents always say: "Eat all your carrots, it's good for the eyes!" Now, the real question is: Is it true?

The answer: yes! The carrot, rich in beta-carotene, has an influence on the health of our eyes. WARNING, note that carrot consumption will not solve established vision problems like myopia or astigmatism. In fact, its high concentration of beta-carotene, precursor of vitamin A, will help the eye to adapt to the dark. There are several other yellow-orange vegetables that contain a high beta-carotene content, for example sweet potato, winter squash, pumpkin and red pepper. Moreover, some leafy vegetables like spinach, green cabbage, lettuce and bok choy are also rich in beta-carotene. Who would have believed it?

To ensure good health in our eyes, it is essential to offer our body its daily intake of vitamin and minerals. Even if a carrot a day does not move the optometrist forever, it cannot hurt!


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