Soybeans: a quality legume

Soybeans, a legume initially from  Asia, are rich in protein, fiber, unsaturated fats and minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium, iron and calcium. It is the basis of some foods such as tofu, tempeh, miso, edamame (soy beans) and soy beverages. Its health attributes, mainly due to its high content of isoflavones, nevertheless continue to raise controversy. What are its real effects on health?

Cardiovascular illnesses

Studies show that soy consumption has a modest effect on reducing bad LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure. In fact, soy contains good unsaturated fats and fiber that is beneficial to heart health.

Bone health

The effects of soy isoflavones on bone health are still being studied. Soy foods, on the other hand, contain high quality protein and a good amount of calcium that is well absorbed into the body, which contributes to good bone health.

Breast cancer

The effects of soy on the risk of breast cancer has been the subject of much debate. According to the latest research, eating soy foods is safe for women with or at risk for breast cancer and may improve the prognosis for breast cancer.

Menopause and hot flashes

Genistein, one of the soy isoflavones, has been shown to be effective in reducing the frequency and severity of hot flashes associated with menopause. For a satisfactory result, it is necessary to consume a minimum of 19 mg / day of genistein. To consume 19 mg of genistein, consume either 300 ml of soy beverage, or 150 g of tofu or 75 g of tempeh.

Male reproductive system

Isoflavones mimic the effects of estrogen, female hormones. Some people worry that soy consumption may have a negative effect on male fertility. Studies show that consumption of up to 150 mg / day of isoflavones has no negative effect on the male reproductive system. This equates to a daily consumption of 680 g of tofu, 1.5 liters of soy beverage or 150 g of protein isolate.

In conclusion, soybeans can occupy a prominent place in a varied and balanced diet. It can be consumed every day without danger, while avoiding excesses. To obtain the maximum benefits, we prefer its entire form (edamame and dry bean) rather than its derivatives and supplements. Fermented products like tamari sauce, tempeh and miso are also recommended.



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To go further with soy beans