Bonbon Collections Inc.


Bonbon Collections Inc.

Bonbon Collections is a family business born in 2016 from the idea of ​​a mother of 2 allergic little girls who wanted the best and healthiest cupcakes & cakes for her princesses without them feeling sidelined because of their allergies and food intolerances. Desperate to see that "so-called" products without allergens contained a lot of artificial colors and flavors or were prepared in non-safety and non-regulatory environments such as residential kitchens, Thao decided to start her own business. Our food processing unit is exclusively dedicated to natural products, gluten free, with priority allergens and 100% vegan. The mission of Bonbon Collections is to share a natural lifestyle, allergy safe, gluten free and vegan! For this, Bonbon Collections operates a Central Kitchen Without Allergens of several thousand square feet on the South Shore of Montreal called "The Happiness Fabrik" and totally isolated from products that may have allergens. All our suppliers & partners must submit their allergen certificates on a regular basis and checked constantly. All these rules and procedures guarantee you the maximum to spend moments of pleasure, conviviality and greed for all and in all peace of mind! Bonbon Collections, Creator of happiness!


Bonbon Collections


1375 - unité 3, rue Marie Victorin St Bruno, Quebec J3V 6B7 (844) 826-6266

40 products