The Buckwheat Honey mainly comes from Lac St-Jean area. It is dark brown, almost black in color. It presents a characteristic flavor of cereal and musk. This honey is ideal to replace the molasses in recipes like gingerbread and black wheat galette. Rich in nutrients and antioxidants, it is advisable to consume it in case of anemia and for is virtues of reconstituting and revitalizing.
IGA, IGA Extra, Maxi, Maxi & Cie, Metro, Metro Plus, Sobeys, Super C, Bonichoix, L’intermarché, Marchés Tradition, Marché Richelieu, Provigo, Provigo le Marché, Rachelle-Béry
500 g, 12 ×500 g, 375 g, 12 ×375 g, 1 kg, 250 g
287, Rang Beaurivage St-Sylvestre, Quebec G0S 3C0 (418) 596-3037