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Why we should eat more dried fruits
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Our best tips to freeze fruits & veggies
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Harvest Guide: In Season Fruits and Vegetables Are Yours to Enjoy!
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Quebec is the second largest cranberry producer in the whole world
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Demystify asparagus!
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True or false, "churned butter" is synonymous with "cultured butter"?
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Vitamin C: Myths and Virtues
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Why is chia seed so popular?
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The Jerusalem artichoke, a winter vegetable to rediscover!
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Pasta Salad
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Grandma’s top 3 culinary tips
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Kombucha has been consumed for over 2000 years
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True or false, lactose-free cheeses are not made from milk?
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We Discover : Sunflower On Your Plate!
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The equivalent of 37,268 elephants is produced each year in cheese in Quebec
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The endless battle between fats: butter VS margarine
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Keep your tofu longer by putting it in water and storing it in a sealed container
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5 Fun Facts About Laitues Mirabel
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175 grams of greek yogurt equals the protein of 2 oz of meat
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The perfect fruit cake would be edible for more than 100 years!
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How To Make A Main Dish Salad
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Local Certification Marks to Guide You in Your Grocery Shopping
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Couscous Royal
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Chinese Fondue
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Breakfast bowl
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Choosing The Perfect Snack
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How many apples are needed for cider production?
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Osso Buco
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What you should know about ground cherries
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Winter squash can be kept for 3 to 6 months
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How to choose your dressing?
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Where does the term "brunch" come from?
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To each meat its cut
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Do you know the origin of the traditional Christmas log?
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Is Soy Milk More Nutritious Than Cow's Milk?
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Reduce nutrient loss by cooking all parts of your beets
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480 000 jobs in Quebec are directly linked to the agri-food industry
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5 Reasons to Embrace GoGo Quinoa
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There are over 150 varieties of basil
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Cooking affects the taste of corn
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Keep your milk longer by storing it on the top shelf
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Flour: a 75 000 years old ingredient
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The color of maple syrup is determined by its harvest period
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Eating carrots improves vision
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How about expiration dates, are they still valid?
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Do You Know the Ancestor of the Halloween Pumpkin?
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Beetroot: to be enjoyed leaf to root
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Onion is an excellent decongestant
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You can make green onions grow back
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Rutabaga and turnip, same thing? Not quite!
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When Organic Cheese and the Environment Go Hand in Hand
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Leek soup
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Gratin dauphinois
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Maple flavored chômeur pudding
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Trout tartare
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Beetroot soup
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La Camerisière Granbyenne
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Myths and truths about maple syrup
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The boiled eggs can be conserved for 7 days in the refrigerator
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Homemade canned can be kept during 12 to 18 months
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What are the four essential ingredients to brew beer?
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The color of the shell does not affect taste
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Frostbite to the soft palate is the cause of the famous "brainfreeze"
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An apple wakes up more than a coffee
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Soybeans: a quality legume!
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Garlic: a small vegetable with great virtues!
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Rich in zinc, the oyster has aphrodisiac properties.
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World Leader In Maple Syrup Production
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The Complete Guide to Marinades
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5 tips for easy & quick cooking
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